Thursday, November 29, 2012

to clarify majana and dalli finally for the first and last time ever.

I recently read irene geller's review of my work and it has come up multiple times this week that my internet persona and my real life persona are perhaps a little different because of my name change. i swear to god im not a liar i've just basically abandoned my last name 'majana' completely, and i don't give a fuck anymore. its not cool it reminds me of multiple things such as : marijuana, mangina (a man vagina), manana  (tomorrow in spanish), pajama also

 people don't understand how to pronounce it and neither do i.

people often say : muhyAna, majAna , muhANA, muhzzzzzjohna, muhjona, manjana etc. 

people ask me how do i pronounce this i say: i don't care 

people often ask what nationality are you: this gets confusing 

people don't know how to spell this. 

my mom saw this coming so instead of making my life a miserable disaster of no one understanding she gave me a second last name before my real one that acts as my middle last name that is on my birth certificate (once again very convenient). which allows me the power along with every other girl on facebook to change my last name to my middle name. although it is not "jessica ann" or "dana rose lynn" i have pretty much been Dana Dalli, my whole life, since birth. so if you've been confused for a long time please forgive me. 

if you have an specific questions you'd like to address speak now or forever hold your PIECE 

also this is me and mom Doreen Dalli 

this is a current photo of my dad and I 

this is my mom Doreen Dalli before she had me 

this is a picture of me, taken before i found the above picture 

this is a picture of my mom and my dad, Alejandro Majana, they obvs are made for each other 

this is a picture of my favorite person who does not share the same blood as me, Pete 

if things don't make sense to you please FEEL FREE TO ASK ????????? but here it is. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

apple pie ala mode pudding

quick highlights from the MFA first year show that I thought were worthwhile. 
not that the rest of it wasn't i loved a lot of it but i guess this is what i actually ended up taking pictures of 

i made this this week,

also i did this 

or maybe i just forgot to post these a long time ago, you'll never know.

tried to make this but it just ended up looking like total shit 

probs real sic of pics by now 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

honey crisp apples

today is an emotional train wreck day for me.
coming to terms with having to apply for grad school/ how broke im going to be this time next year/ how hard it is to actually be an artist/ i dont want to be living in a shitty apartment or even worse with my parents until im 30 because no one wants to buy my work.
i sort of feel as if being an artist is the equivelant of being a child and no one takes you seriously for a really long time and you almost have to convince yourself that you are worth marketing. also i always thought of making art for enjoyment and not as business/ skype talk about accounting with kandis williams made me sick and made me have anxiety. anyway. im getting rid of everything in my studio this week and doing things a lot different when i get back from break. as for now the only artwork i am going to be working on is the centerpiece for my thanksgiving table. plus getting my camera fixed this weekend, or attempting to. hopefully i can start getting some nice high res photos soon. im having a somewhat crisis because i really need to start making pieces im actually proud of instead of paintings i like for a day and then hate for a really long time and then paint over after a few months.

my blog sux cause all i do is complain, isnt that what blogs are 4?
r u with me ? r u ?  R U ? R U ?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!
im going to try and update this week and blow this shit up while im bored at home

PEACE ~~~~~
happi thanksgiving!!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

i saw some woodcuts from edvard munch at the moma this weekend. i was pretty obsessed, also looked a lot at albert pinkham ryder this week and i think that i dont know how i feel about anything anymore.
im not sure what the next step is for me to make work but i know i have to do something completely different or wrong in order to figure out whats next. this has been such a strange semester because of all of the non art related things im doing, or non painting related things that i'm doing. its hard to be all about it sometimes. this is a week where i'm accepting the fact that everything else needs to come before painting. also im wondering how different it must be to go to grad school and only have to worry about your work? maybe i'm not looking into it enough but psychology is bullshit sometimes. i don't quite understand the reasons why i am even going to classes or why its important. i like learning but i hate testing. i hate homework. i hate studies. also i feel like its really important i go home this weekend and get the fuck out of my studio and come back with some real dope new stuff.

sickabeinastudent sickabeintired sickawritinpapers sickasleepin

i was watching a video on amy sillman and i thought this video was so weird and i had to post it.
idk why it seems every wednesday i hate myself so sorry for the horrific blog posts.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


i found these beautiful paintings by Tom Burckhardt that are showing right now in New York. ---- I spent my whole week in a TV less, internetless household its so nice to see paintings again. I feel like every week something weird happens that is a complete set back. the hurricane is so strange. ive spent every day with people who are freaking out about not having television or internet. I guess I needed a break to not deal with any interuptions. sometimes i feel like i'm thinking about something wonderful and then i get a Facebook alert about something i don't care about. I think the moments that we normally overlook but DONT -- are the best. i caught myself turning off lights that weren't working all week.

I'm really trying to understand photography. I really do care about it, or I guess I'm starting to. I got an A on an exam about Contemporary Photography?

went a week without seeing any artwork, and i get on artsy and find this bullshit. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. okay i got the whole Gerhard Richter thing but why are people copying him now. Painting is doomed, sorry. I'm locking myself in a closet and calling the rest of my life Hurricane Sandy because painting is dead bye

also gotta make some sculptures outta wood and im scared of the miter saw ;-((((((((((((((((
please god let my fingers get through this week

hope next weeks BETTA