Thursday, September 27, 2012

this week i am feeling so completely uninspired.
 i love this painting called The Lining by Matt Connors because it is totally relating to the grids I am making in my cake painting but in a completely different way. I feel all types of pressure to get that done but it seems like it is taking for-ev-er, it just makes me question what I am doing.
The Lining, Matt Connors 

I made a few sculptures this week: 

They were made with plaster, I am happy with them the second time around. 

I'm just feeling blah in general, I think it's because no one else is working so it's hard to have motivation when your peers are kind of slow at working and every time I go into the studio its empty. well hopefully next week will be more exciting?


  1. I'm curious about the process you used to color those sculptures. I think it's interesting that they read so clearly as castes but I can't tell what they were taken from

    1. just cast from some clay! i basically drew into the clay
